PHILOXENIA PLUS, approved project
In the framework of the 1st call of proposals of capitalization of MED program in 2012 and financed by ERDF.
Rural areas are experiencing demographic recomposition remarkable linked to positive net migration. If this trend remains to be qualified according to the European regions, it requires a clear and proactive support from local actors not to undergo negative constraints sometimes extremely strong related to globalization and financialization of the economy, climate changes, food and energy issues.
Some European territories have built an innovative and experimental their own development strategies aiming to:
– Host and maintain new inhabitants (bringing new skills).
– Promote local products (increasing value of local and intangible products).
To continue the deployment of such local development policies, the need is now to better capitalize and share experiences of actors from different networks.
- : 18 Months, BUDGET of the project: 831.000 Euros, Co-financing by ERDF : 645 250Euros (77,64%), National financing : 185 750 Euros.
ISSUES of the project:
– Preparing the 2014-2020 programming period;
– Recognizing the welcome and maintaining of populations as a response to the operational objectives of social and territorial cohesion brought by Europe.
To capitalize on the experiences of Philoxeniaplus partners for a better methods and best practices transfer:
Allowing enrichment and methodological support to the further professionalization of local stakeholders and the efficiency of territorial strategies;
Facilitating and encouraging the emergence of new economic activities, innovation and performance in terms of tools and approaches for the welcoming of new active people and new populations and the promotion of local products in order to ensure sustainable development.
Providing methodological resources to the local stakeholders in engineering welcoming policies and promotion of local products;
Creating opportunities to meet and witness with actors who experienced good practices in support of candidates accompanying, building and promoting opportunities for installation, promotion of local products
Transfer of seven best practices from nine projects:
– Come-back of the native (IVB experience PHILOXENIA MED)
– Installation of new inhabitants (experience SOHO SOLO-IIIB SUDOE)
– Promotion of territory endogenous resources (experience One Village-One Product project GRISI PLUS IVC and IVB project MEDSTRATEGY MED) including three different good practices.
Two ICT tools to transfer:
– GIS portal promoting local villages and local products
– A national portal about the installation in rural area and a consultation center for local stakeholder.
Thinking collectively to develop methods and practices for the emergence and / or development of local development policies aiming to welcoming populations and promotion of local products (methodological guide).
Thinking and produce collectively tracks for innovation and experimentation of tools and strategies to promote local products, marketing, integration of new active people and new populations by assessing the relevance of the transferability of the five projects and ICT tools.
Facilitating and supporting the sustainable network by including within the time schedule some highlighted events (seminars), exchange of information…
Drafting the general principles of a charter for an European Association aiming to promote the welcoming and attractiveness policies; Becoming a proactive ness strength in the framework of the ‘Europe 2020’.
- PARTNERSHIP : 7partners
- Leader : Local Employability (LOC.EM.),
E-ZAVOD (Slovinia)
ANETEL (Chyprus)
Eurokom Association, Gerace, (Italy)
Province de TERUEL– Région Aragon (Spain)
Collectif Ville Campagne (France)
CCI Gers (France)
9 External partners
Local Development Agency of Drama, Greece
Sinergija, Slovinia
Technical Training Cyprus
Diogenes Business Incubator University of Cyprus
Associazione Intercomunale « Comuni della Locride », Italia
Shire Community of Teruel, Spain
Communauté de Communes Aubusson-Felletin, France
Pays Gorges-Causses-Cévennes, France
Communauté de Communes Pays Viganais, France
1. Creation of an European association for the promotion of attractiveness and welcoming policies in rural areas
2. Identification of key stakeholders (potential members of a European association)
3. Reviews of best practices and feasibility studies of transfer
4. Action plans to transfer
5. Methodological guide
6. Charter for the creation and management of a European association (legal status)
7. Recommendation for integrating welcoming policies under the Europe 2020 strategy.
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